Ethics in Aviation 

Ethics is defined by Merriam-Webster as the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. When applying this definition to aviation, it is important for all personnel in aviation to have a strong ethical standard for the safety of aircraft passengers. So how can we ensure that all personnel in aviation have an understanding of their ethical responsibilities? Based on research from The Journal of Aviation and Aerospace, Benton discusses the importance of teaching ethics and suggests methods that may be used in aviation curriculums to enhance the ethical outlook of the aviation student (Benton, 2017).  It is proven from earlier research that ethics, can in fact, be taught. While it may be obvious to just incorporate a mandatory ethics course in aviation curriculums, the author does not believe it it is effective since it does not show a direct correlation of how it relates to the field of aviation. He believes the most effective way of addressing ethics in the curriculum is to embed it every course and activity as opportunities present themselves. In other words, ethics should be engaged in every course as a collected effort by professors in the material they teach. It should not be the main focus of each course, but rather, subtly integrated into discussions and activities (Benton, 2017). I agree that ethics should be an ongoing conversation in aviation courses, as opposed to a mandatory single course, to encourage students to think critically of the importance of ethics and how it will relate to their aviation career. 


Benton, P. (2017). Ethics in Aviation Education. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research.


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