Human Factors in Aviation


Human factors in aviation are the way in which humans interact with aviation technology. The safety and performance of flights are dependent on how humans can mitigate their risk factors. The key elements of this definition are how safety is dependent upon human performance.

Boeing defines human factors in aviation as how humans can most safely and efficiently be integrated with aviation technology. This understanding is then translated into design, training, procedures, etc. to help humans perform better (Satow, 2009).

A team-based aviation activity would be the role of an aviation maintenance shop, with each person in the team having a different role with the purpose of one common goal—safety of flight. The challenge of an aviation maintenance team would start with the mechanic. One of the biggest challenges mechanics face is complacency. It is important for mechanics to be up to date with revisions of maintenance manuals and not become lazy with routine checks and fixes. The next challenge would be with inspection. It is important that inspectors understand their equipment and do their due diligence. They should not trust a seasoned mechanic just because they are confident that the mechanic knows what they are doing. Like previously stated, complacency can set it and it is the inspector’s job to ensure the job is done correctly according to the maintenance procedures. Lastly, the role of a shop manager is important to the team goal.  A challenge they face is to continuously produce quality work while not cutting corners to meet deadlines or productivity. As manager, it is important that they keep their team motivated and goal-driven. Together as a team, the maintenance shop workers can effectively prevent accidents and unsafe measures from occurring by doing their job thoroughly and effectively every time.

Word Count: 294


Satow, L. (2009, June 24). The Role of Human Factors in Improving Aviation Safety - Text Only. Boeing.,to%20help%20humans%20perform%20better.&text=Flight%20deck%20design.


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